What is a good end game weapon? | Fandom (2024)



What is a good end game weapon?

im okay with farming despite it being very tedious. I just need to pass the mastery rank 5 test so that i can start farming for mastery rank 6.

I want a good gun that can last me a while. I'm thinking about the Soma, Opticor, Phage, or Synapse.

I just need a gun that i can use when i dont feel like using my melee weapon that will last me for a while.

(Edited by Miscellaneous.Entity.Bonfire)


A Fandom user·12/23/2014

Definitely Quanta for versatility. Left click has unmatched ammo efficiency (even with vile acceleration), and right click is great aoe/mass damage. Especially with split chamber/shred. Your cubes will go through enemies while doing damage, and then you can detonate them with your left click doing aoe damage. So the same enemy gets hit twice.

(Edited by A Fandom user)



(Edited by Rhionhi)

I don't know why everybody is ignoring the Vectis, but i love that thing. It did always well, since I build it at Enemylevel around 15, and I'm still using it for enemies 75+. If someone would explain me why nobody loves her *sniff*, I would really appreciate that.

I feel you bro, I am a Vectis lover as well. I personal prefer high damage "single target" weapons over assault rifle types. Even the single target thing can be fixed by punch through+ multishot mods and reload speed (bows and vectis) or fire rate (bows and lanka). If you're accurate and smart and use those mods you can take out a crowd in no time.

(Edited by A Fandom user)


A Fandom user·1/2/2015

(TLDR choose what ever you think is fun for you but make sure that you can cover any weakness it has)

dunno why someone complains about bows being useless ... if you are running a survival or defense, all the enemies are running at you and its often in a straight line. A bow shines here as it has the punchthrough and the knock back to wipe out large lines of enemies. if you have problems getting them lined up then consider using something like loki or nyx to get them to clump up.

The downside of the bow is its semi-slow firerate which can be remedied by aiming or by a secondary which covers the short-medium range. I prefer using the synoid gammacor or the brakk for this reason. Add seeker if you are still getting swarmed and you can cut through them like butter. For extremely close range use a high dmg or mobility weapon. If mobility is key then something that excels at coptoring should be considered (glaive prime, fang prime, basically something with insane atk speed and a non awkward spin atk animation). If the secondary still can't kill things then consider something like the dakra prime, orthos prime/bo prime, jat kittag, scindo prime for killing all thats remaining.

while many people may prefer using auto weapons for most situations remember that there are times where you might want different elemental combinations to kill different enemies in a faction. For grineer i use corrosive crit on my bow to take out ferrite and radiation/viral on my gammacore for alloy. Ultimately, what weapons you choose is up to your own playstye. A good general rule is that if your primary is spray and pray then your secondary should be a sniping so something like a boltor prime + vaykor marelok. If your primary is sniping then your secondary should be the spray and pray ie paris prime + brakk/synoid gammacor.

(Edited by A Fandom user)

A Fandom user·2/25/2015

i use the drakgoon good crowd control or good single target i prefer to put damage mods on it then i have the castanas once again i pile on as much damage as i can so i can clear out groups of enemies or singular enemies in as few shots as possible then i use the scindo im working on gettting prime but personally i like it its probably worse then the galatine until i get prime but i like it i use the weapons because i like weapons that can one-shot most enemies and have good crowd control also because theyre pretty good in pvp cus my friends and i like to duel and theyre annoyed that all my weapons hit like a truck

(Edited by A Fandom user)

A Fandom user·2/25/2015

May I humbly suggest Kohm, this thing is full noob mode if you can spare a few formas. Mod it with two RoF mods and a ammo mutation, rest are typical damage-elemental mods.

(Edited by A Fandom user)

A Fandom user·3/11/2015

Soma - will last through a good chunk of T4 missions. High ROF, high crit damage, good accuracy. Very versatile. Used it a lot. Just keep in mind, that crit weapons are very weak when unleveled. 2x base polarity slots help a lot though.

Vectis - use fast hands and metal auger in addition to other mods and it will be a great weapon. It has very high sustained DPS, high singe shot damage, good crit and status. Low zoom level saves the day. You can run T4 endless like a piece of cake with it, if you are into sniper rifles. A trick: reload it manually after each shot. It saves a lot of time! Press "fire" and "reload" at nearly the same time to skip half of the reloading animation. Actual firerate is around 2 shots/sec.

Synapse/Amprex. Both are beam weapons, both are crit weapons, both have terrible ammo efficiency. Both are great. Synapse is single target DPS, closer to Soma. Amprex is AoE CC and DPS. Won't recommend any of them as a starter weapon to carry through high tier.

Phage is also great, has very good DPS and ammo consumption. However, beam convergence spoils it a bit (no, you can't speed it up). Base viral damage and not so bad status help. With some experience, its a great high-tier weapon, but suffers fron inability to utilise headshots fully.

Kohm. DPS is extreme. Crazy weapon. Love it. Donno, when you can take it. It easily goes throgh lvl 100+ enemies without a sweat. Pwnz things. Free 2m punchthrough. But! In order to get the best experience, you must have maxed ammo mutations and leveled vault mod that gives precision over firerate (don't remember the name). Then, 6 formas and nothing will stand in your way.

Opticor. Like to oneshot bosses? Then its your weapon! I have it, I used it in 60+ min survival. Its really great! There is one problem with it - nullifiers. In order to lower their shields, you need several hits in a row. Opticor just can't go through them. Hate that. Otherwise, great weapon.

Synoid Gammacore. Just don't. Its very simple and way too good. You won't use a lot of fun weapons, if you will take Gammacore. Cause its just better.

(Edited by A Fandom user)

A Fandom user·4/2/2015

Depends on your playstyle and mission, but there are some bright shining starts


Penta absolutely outdamages every other AoE weapon and oneshots nearly everything lower than lvl 40.

Even potatoed the synapse requires at least 4 formas and nearly only rare mods to shine, but kills even high level single targets in the blink of an eye.

vs Grineer:

Fully modded, a Sybaris deals amazing amounts of damage, allowing you to take out elite units fast. Latron Prime is similar, but with less damage, a bigger clip size, better RoF and better ammo efficiency. Boltor Prime is extremely strong, but useless at greater distances.

vs Corpus

Karak can be modded to be extremely effiecient vs Corpus. Penta. Explosive Dmg + Corpus = fun. If you like shotgun gameplay the boar prime can be interesting since its absolutely devasting in melee combat

vs Infested

Ignis for low level Infested. Remember that ancients are vulnerable to pierce damage and the higher the level, the more ancients spawn. Take a anti-grineer weapon or do melee


Marelok is pure destruction and the best secondary ingame. Kunais, Despair, Hikous are great alternatives but require heavy modding to shine.


Dakra Prime with Scarlet Derwish is the best melee weapon ingame. No doubt. Orthos Prime is fine aswell, way less damage but more range. Fang prime are nasty aswell and shred armored targets within seconds, but you need to be VERY close.

Nikana and its upgrade are awesome against Infested since they only deal slash damage and have a big range especially with stance mods


Any kind of bow or sniper. Its just plain stupid especially in survival or defense mission where you have to kill masses of enemies. In these mission you'll prop deal less than 1% of total damage when your warframe has no offensive powers. Unless you know how to take out multiple enemies with a single shot, dont!

Slow melee weapons (mostly the 2handed) dont really help your cause and will mostly make you static, allowing enemies to hit you easier, both melee and ranged.

Any throwing weapons. Just wtf.

Any kind of whip. To hard to handle and especially useless in melee situations(!)

inb4 replies including:





Nonsence, this was 1 year ago but if someone want to use this tactics, just dont. Wall of text.

(Edited by administrators)

A Fandom user·4/2/2015

Lanka Is a good choice for pro build mentality; that punch through can be very effecive on some maps. But it is kinda overwhelmed by Opticor for general use. BoltorP is simple but lethal, Soma(P) is a good multi role assault/plinking gun. Latron(P/W) is generally the marksmans gun; Snipers have more damage but less in the clip/rof.

Despair is a good Full-auto secondary; Synoid used to be but with a Damage per bullet of 28 it sorta face planted. If you want Semi-auto: short = Brakk, long = (V)Marelok

Melee? Well there you get kinda tricky OrthosP or good whip for range; Kronen or Dex Dakra for instant access toa high power attack (slide), or Serro/Jat Kittag for close crowd control via slams and status procs. If you are merely after pure damage than that way lies Dragon, Ichor and Dakra Prime.

A general rule of thumb that I use as a guide: if you can't get 50+ base damage (or monster crit) check the utility function of the weapon; if it fails this check it is NOT a good carry you through much of warframe weapon. This is why the Synoid fell from grace (it CAN be used but it is greatly overshadowed by other guns) it used to have 210 per bullet, now it has 28. In the grandness of Warframe depth it has in a very real way been eclipsed by it's own non syndicate version.:(

(Edited by A Fandom user)


Synoid Gammacor does exactly the same damage it did pre-nerf. do a little simple math..

(Edited by Rhionhi)

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