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VVVVVV lo 1 1 Vp? I I LIE insured until maturity Trade Wednesday November 181992 I Fort Worth Star-Telegram I Section Page 3 est in transportation issues and also in downtown redevelopment both subjects that Fort Worth knows well said Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce President Terry Ryan "For us the purpose of this visit is to get Fort Worth From Page I up on Monterrey's radar screen in thinking about economic ties" he said "It doesn't make sense to run all over the world when he have potentially huge markets directly across our border" Some ties between Fort Worth and Mexico already are in place Several local food-rocessing companies are developation ing relationships with Mexico Tandy Corp is planning to expand its retail network in Mexico and Burlington Northern Railroad has established joint ventures with Protexa's railroad and barge subsidiaries Ramirez said the North American Free Trade Agree- ment although not final represents an attempt to ex- and ties between Mexico and Texas and is "right for this time" Mexico Ramirez said learned a decade ago about the pitfalls of depending solely upon energy for its economic future Once on the verge of becoming a major oil producer and revenue generator Mexico saw the plunge in worldwide oil prices take its currency and its economy down through most of the last decade But the future looks brighter now Ramirez said as Mexico aims to develop its electronics transportation and food industries rangement through which monthly payments are deducted from your bank account and sent to the mortgage lender If that's the case the mortgage holders should have notified the bank about the change And if you write checks for mortgage payments the lenders should have notified you in time to send the most recent payment to the second lender However if you had already sent the most recent payment to that first lender and stopped payment on that check it was only natural for your bank to levy what you call a "fine" a stop-payment charge The delegates include executives and representatives from the Mexican state of Nuevo Leon whose governor Socrates Rizzo will sign a commercial alliance between Nuevo Leon and Fort Worth tomorrow In addition to touring downtown Fort Worth and the city's cultural district the trade delegation is scheduled to visit six Fort Worth companies They are Rodriguez Festive Foods the Automation and Robotics Institute at the University of Texas at Arlington Alcon Labs Harris Methodist Health System Mrs Baird's Bakeries and Tandy Until Rizzo arrives tomorrow after visiting Texas Gov Ann Richards in Austin the trade group will be led by David Martinez international projects director for the state of Nuevo Leon "I will be happy to take a call from anybody from Fort Worth who is interested in doing business with us" said the affable Martinez before sitting down to a lunch with officials of the Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce as well as the local Hispanic and black chambers The Mexican group has indicated a particular inter nd representatives eon whose gover- mmercial alliance tomorrow 'ort Worth and the is scheduled 'hey are Rodriguez Robotics Institute gton Alcon Labs rs Baird's Bakeries ler visiting Texas rade group will be 11 projects director anybody from Fon business with us" ng down to a lunch l'hamber of Corn- and black cham- I a nartictilar inter- interest paid on the CDs and other deposits it took over from the failed bank If that happens the bank is required to give you two weeks' notice During that time you could redeem your two CDs without an early-withdrawal penalty You would get back the money you put into the CDs plus accumulated interest The lender holding the mortgage on my home sold that mortgage another lender I had to stop payment to the first mortgage holder to whom I had been making payments through my bank My bank fined me $2750 Did I something wrong? Not as you relate what happened But somebody goofed Your mention of paying through your bank indicates that you have automatic mortgage payment ar mortgage at 8 percent Normally specialists say refinancing pays only when the new rate is at least two points below the old one but in this case the family had an additional desire for cash Although many people are shortening the maturity of their mortgage often to 15 years from 30 the Pearsons already had a 15-year mortgage and made no change Besides buying the furniture the Pearsons are using the 15000 cash repay some high-rate credit-card debt to pay off bills from their daughter's wedding to send some money to their son at West Point and to buy a snow board and a few other items Still economists caution mortgage-interest savings alone cannot fuel a recovery "The point is that this is detrimental to the whole banking system" said a House Banking Committee staffer speaking on condition ofanonymity "You've reduced the value of a state charter because anyone who sells federal funds to a state-chartered bank is going to risk losing their money in a state with a depositor preference law" State banking officials and Gonzalez D-San Antonio say that the Texas Constitution says state and national banks must be treated equally The FDIC had no immediate comment on the First City case But the House banking aide said the agency has told the committee that it would review its interpretation of the Texas statute Bank From Page 1 with surpluses The Texas depositor preference law governs distribution of assets in cases of bank failures putting depositors at the top of the list The FDIC interpreted that statute as ing sellers of federal funds to state-chartered banks a lower priority than depositors Banks that sold federal funds to First City's national branches have been granted depositor status which entitles them to recoup between 80 percent and 100 percent of their money However sellers to the state branches are being treated as unsecured creditors meaning they could end up losing their total investment "The effect of this treatment differential is going to place state-chartered institutions at a disadvantage" said Diane Casey executive director of the Independent Bankers Association of America "People would be more reluctant in terms of selling federal funds to state institutions" she said Banks that lent federal funds to First City's state-chartered branch: es could lose up to $650000 Casey estimated The size of the loss isn't relevant but the precedent that would be set is she and others said Property N855 or Lease) Offices (Rent) N862 4 ames Whitmore Dee 3-0 Will ogers' 'CITS A CIIICiMEM creditors get details BUSINESS TO BUSINESS To Advertise Ask for Paula Kelly DIAL 3323333 Business NM Opportunity Business Opportunity DOWNTOWN ARL 1 Irg rm175611billspd 274 8411 English bldg hwy 303 An 6rno lease 265-8782 MEDICAL BILLING rm145alloilispo it 4 0411 bldg hwy 303 An 6rno lease 765-8782 MEDICAL I LI I NG 1111111111111111111 N853 Business (Rent IN I cBlisimits To 13usinosl PE YCO PROPERTIES OfcWhse 6 4000 sot ft 14000 so ft 16000 so It Jim Maibisch Metro LOOP 820 INC Mid-cities loc $975mo S2200mo S7334mo SI1-467-6803 BUY OR SELL? Coll a Land mark Broker 817-765 9188 Full service -Texaco station 2 sllorlieft Na bays il Video 0 I finance N861 Commercial Ocoortunitv to Quaid? as a li Property tionril ilr2leT1441-1caarr7 a crvic'es AAA Busin Broker 782 2644 CHoorADE6 donyin 9WelOe014KoniFcRrnedO01 BUY OR nB 43u sii-n2e7s41s Mini Warehouse Complex 561 practitioners $30 000 calcialmsprocessing tor med FE DMOR RE 76 Units Lincoln Financial buys notes Occupancy 797918 after 6pm l'F6111 1-800 259 9379 for cash 1 800-666-1498 trainliNt initial epital N1162 BUSineSS required 5W8 plus For 3-store shopping center Ask-Opportunity information by mail call (214) ing $280K 489 3026 331-5141 24 Hours Floax Business Opportunity CDs remain The bank in which I Wrtwo certificates of deposit totaling $94602 failed and was taken over by another bank in which I have close to the FDIC coverage limit of I 00000 What happens to my FDIC cover- age in the event of 1 failure heaven 1 forbid! of the second bank? I Should I immediately withdraw my money ficim the CDs I obtained at the first bank? They don't mature until Augtistand September 1993 'A- Don't touch those CDs They will-remain fully insured until their tiafurity dates as is always the case villa the deposits of a failed bank ate acquired by another bank that second bank might notffy you that it is reducing the Savings From Page I of additional households have benefited from automatic cuts in adjustable-rate mortgages a portion of these of the home equity variety Yet as the Pearson household kelps illustrate not all of those savings find their way into cash registers Some people are putting the iiew-found money in the bank while others use it for another kind of savings paying off accumulated debt The refinancing by the Pearsons involves trading a $117000 mortgage at 9 percent for a $132000 Airline's The Associated Press POUSTON Unsecured creditoil of Continental Airlines could get as little as 48 cents or as much as 36 I cents on the dollar for their claims according to details of the airline's bankruptcy reorganization plan released yesterday The plan based on a $450 million cash infusion from Air Canada and two Fort Worth investors would giya most secured debt holders nearly everything they are owed The blueprint which must be approved by a federal bankruptcy judge would leave the airline with debt of $179 billion The majority of its stock would be held by Air TI From Page 1 its more than 1100 suppliers in North America Ford created what it calls its TQE award in response to market deMands for high quality and faster product cycles The company expects TQE suppliers to go beyond its normal standards and excel in manufacturing quality control administrative operations and a variety ofother areas The award is said to be one of the industry's toughest to win because Ford is demanding of nominated suppliers even in the selection process For TI to win the award it had to "gain certification from Ford for 14 facilities working on Ford products including operations in Germany Portugal Singapore Malaysia Taiwan and the Philippines "One reason Ford wanted to push so hard for us to get TQE status is that they see T1 as part of their future" Whitaker said "This is a mutual bonding really They want to leverage TI technology for their customer "We want to be a major supplier in the automobile business but we sit down here and decide what to build that the customer might buy "We need a teacher for a cus tomer We need Ford to help us tell us what the end customer and what products they need to meet those demands" Whipple said TI's role with Ford is likely to grow as the amount of electronics in cars increases "Electronics are an increasingly important part of the car business" Whipple said "In 1990 the electronics in the average Ford car cost about $600 By the end of the decade it will be $2300" Electronics goes far beyond car stereos and dashboard lights on today's cars and trucks Anti-lock brake systems airbags traction control systems speed-sensitive steering systems and fourwheel-drive systems all depend on advaed electronics to iperate to do an to 183 2000- aCto0 so tt and warehouw Front rear entry Call 7e4 4000 10600 SE OFFICEWAR E- HOUSE All ac 3270 Bryan Consider selling wicreative finance 138-4266 214-502-2502 Choice Mid Cities location Main St Retail space 1000-5000 so ft Willard Hart Minimax Prop 236 2244 Prime Westside location Hwy 80 Retail office space tor lease Willard Hart Investigate Minimax Prop 736-2244 Cheap rent! Rldgiea KennedaleArlington areas Before Investing Storage or business 1000st to 9000 st 48-1131 Call Your Local Warehouse space available Serveral prime locations in Ft Worth Rates vary 81- Better 793-5313 ext 229 Investigate Before Investing Call Your Local Better Auto Truck Rentals( Lasing N871 BooltkeepingTax Service N881 Business Investments N859 BUSIIIIIIS Notices N875 Business Opportunity N862 Business Property (Se II) N850 Business Property (Sell or Lease) N852 Business Property (Rent Lease) N853 Business Wanted N865 Commercial Property N861 Computer Systems N878 Franchises N86-1 Fixtures Decorations N867 Heavy Equipment Rontals N868 Heavy Machinery NO) Industrial Property N858 Money to Loan N879 Money Wanted N880 Mortgages Stocks N878 Offices (Rent) N855 Office Equipment N850 On Equpment N874 04 (Leases Royalties) N873 Professional Services N883 Secretanal Services N884 Seminars N888 Vending Machines N888 EASY MONEY WEEKLY! No wiling no competition we've done ffw work you collect the profit As easy as Altc If youhavea minimum of $5940 and a desire to own yotirownbusinessCall Now For full details call 1 Days 24 Hrs 1-800 41-744 DISTRIBUTORSHIP Part time income to 1100wk Full time to $1800wk in a no selling turnkeybusiness simply restocking displays Min Invest $4950 Toll tree 1-800- 825-1129 24 hrs DISTRIBUTORSHIP Earn 24K PIT to 120K FIT Potential NO selling feW hrs a week restocking distlays Mtn Investment under 5000 Toll free 1-800543-1 63 7 days24 hrs Condom Vending Business Bureau 332-7585 N864 Franchises MAIL BOXES ETC Postai Business Communication Services I 800456 0414 N865 Business Wanted Commercial sewing ithr cutting silk screening Any lob large or small 626 9090 N818 Mortgages Stocks COLONIAL PAYS MORE For notes Metro 214-988-711) 1-800969-1200 Cashmire Cashes Notes FAST! 817-5143 SLAY CASHES NOTES 214-20-33U Buy Real Estate Notes (81L281 8690 Bill Doyle's column appears daily Tuesday through Saturday Send questions to Bill Doyle King Features 235 East 45th St New York 10017 King Features One reason is that low interest rates produce losers as well as winners For instance tens of millions of people's livelihoods depend to one degree or another on certificates of deposit Treasury bills and other interest income which has shrunk as interest rates have fallen Another is that the nation's households though paying off more old obligations than they took on in most recent months remain heavily indebted Debt service during the Bush administration is still a higher proportion of disposable income than in any presidency in over a generation "We've got debt overloads all over the place" Seiders said referring to governments and corporations as well as consumers about 56 cents and those with claims against its reservation system will get about 36 I cents However they could get more because the reorganized company will issue common stock and warrants for general unsecured creditors Secured creditors with smaller claims would get travel vouchers for a 50 percent discount on Continental tickets XTAT UPGRADE 2865)(43 $125 486D)(43 $495 386DX-40 $195 486DX-513 $725 LABOR $50 1 MEG X0 $45 HD: 120MEG $285 MAW $210 GOLDEN SYSTEM 425 AIRPORT FHWY IRVING (214) 570-4853 MON -FRI 10-7 SAT 10-5 BANKRUPTCY NO MONEY DOWN 924-4444 Furgeson Atty at Law Not Board Certd 1x Board of Legal Specialization $1620 Ch 7 I 700 FDIC insured 'MIPS RATPS PS AVAIIABLE MINIMUM DEposrt MAY BI KEQUIKED Advanced Financial Services Inc We specialize in Certt cafes of Deposit and Annuities" (817) 737-4044 (800) 722-8576 3500 Men Suite 110 a Men at Vickery) Ft Worth TX 7610 i A 71 4 bnk For Three Years! Tax Deferred Accumulation Of 100 Guaranteed Account Value Monthly Interest Income Ava ilabk ESO APPROVED FOR IRA MilOVERS! FREE This week's Top 10 Tax-Deferred Certificates of Annuity For your Erre information packet call: NORMAN CORNELIUS at PRIME FINANCIAL 338-0951 1525 Merrimac Circle Suite 202 Fort Worth TX 76107 RDA 110 owed by invesunomt Life of America Insurance Co Guaranteed Minimum Tuesday FrTda IIP oft LeColbSteM Votbirs 609 Houston332-7337 lys S000 sf warethouse space avail433Greentomf112-7643 Route Big Profits Cali American Defender 24 Hrs Aid I 800-8S8 3933 SEEKING AN 130360 LOCAT 108N AR 1000-1250SF0IFICEWHSE $300 633-1444 Used car iot 2 rm office C000er Division parking Avail Dec 1 460 5245 8 Bay Building woff ice ig parking area fenced ample storage 13 8457 6512 CAMP 2 RIDGLEA 1000 $8 FTA 1 LOCATION 46-4833 BLUEBONNET CIRCLE PRIME LEASE SPACE 377-2408 2442506 1000 1500 2500 so ft in refurbIshed historical bldg near downtown F99 332-142 D700Carroll wton SI a 137 raoou2- WWra'no ow olf Downtown was restagrant 700 Carroll St 132 8002 iv building overhead cranes Don870-2122 Airport Frwy 7144 Burns 19 warehouse on 80-2122 Warehouse office 1500 ft to 24000 tt (214) 339-0955 Car lot 870 Lancaster 457-9972 Lots of ofcwarehouse 9235535 or 31 8215 Deadlines To Place Cancel or Correct Ads EDMON DEADLINE Monday Fri 5 Tuesday Fri 5 pm Wednesd ay Mon 5 pm Thursday Tues 5 pm Friday Wed 5 pm Saturday Thur 5 Sunday Thur 5 rn N850 Business Property (Sell) Southside 8400 scr ft tile bido 4 overhead doors 2 air conditioned offices warehouse also air conditioned cement parkin 811 292 3313 Southside lilt wall 20000 soft like new cement parking offices air conditioned Owner 811-292 1313 Southlake Ind lots 3 4 ac up Financinotobuild3544300 Canada and its partners with the remainder in the hands of Continental creditors The Houston-based carrier which has been in bankruptcy court for nearly two years submitted the plan to US Bankruptcy Court in Delaware late Monday Judge Helen Balick ordered that copies of it not be distributed until yesterday Under the plan unsecured creditors with claims against Continental would get about 48 cents on the dollar those with claims against its parent Continental Airlines Holdings Inc would get about 58 cents those with claims against the airline's commuter system will receive "If you look at the electronics that went into an automobile 10 or 15 years ago most of it was electronics that the average consumer really didn't even know was there" said Patrick Moran manager of It's automotive segment in its semiconductor group "It was geared toward controlling emissions and otherareas "Now with features like you see on the Mark VIII it's obvious customers' demands are becoming higher in areas like safety and driving convenience" Moran said that in the future cars will use electronics to limit onboard noise further improve riding conditions and safety and even navigate on long trips TI makes circuitry for a wide range of applications on the Mark VIII including a portion of its onboard computer that can monitor outside temperature and humidity and adjust engine timing depending on weather conditions The computer also works to operate the engine as efficiently as possible adding to its reliability and longevity and minimizing its emission of pollutants It also stores operational information for diagnostic reasons TI produced or helped in producing the car's remote keyless entry system electronic suspension system engine controls dashboard instrumentation trip computer and a central module that controls the car's air conditioning clutch engine fan and fuel pump Ford will officially launch the Mark VIII on Dec 26 but the car has been previewed in a number of markets and is available at some Fort Worth-Dallas Lincoln dealers already The company hopes that the car will become the flagship for its Lincoln franchise and convince car buyers that Ford can compete with the best the Japanese and Europeans have to offer Cadillac General Motors' luxury arm made a similar effort with its Allante which boasts an impressive array of technology The automaker later found success when some of that technology was moved down into other cars in the Cadillac lineup including its Seville Eldorado and Fleetwood models INDEPENDENT BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY? As a part of the distributor team of the Slar-Telegram you'll enjoy the advantage of being self employed and the chance to make good money delivering the Morning Evening editions to our subscribers If you're single married re-II red or find yourself reads to lump into a new career becoming a Stec Telegram distributor may be your cup of tea! Are you dependable self- motivated service-driven over 18 year of age and have rellabie transportation? if so we want to talk to yout Opportunities we have available Fort Worth Star-Telegram APARTMENT ROUTES AVAILABLE IN NORTH EULESS PROFIT S140041800 Investment MUST APPLY IN ER SON DISTRIBUTORSHIP Per month servicing new product displays No selling Min Invest S4900 Tol I ree 1- 800-771-5551 24 Hrs VENDING Sirike it rich! t3K-14K cash weekly possible Patented No competition Prime routes for sale cheap No down it qualified Call Bill I 800949 2158 BE YOU OWN BOSS! Fuilor PartlitheOttipecleaningroutes avail Earn $7412 hr setup fee required Metro 214 434-8197 Kwik Kar Lube coming soon to Fort Worth Land building eouipment train- ing finarKing Call Ray Ellis 1 80P M2-5368 TE XACO STATION High traffic count owner will finance termsnego Seymour Tx 817 888-3847 or nights 817-888 2005 2 Auto Repair Shops BenbrookFt Worth Across from Walmart Call 817-6561171 Good Business Opportunity for Mechanics TEXAS LOTTO Cash in on the millions spent every week on the tottery Limited ground floor required 429 1967 Cadillac of Bulk Vending Work 4 days a month earn 5 figure income Donut Shop excellent location will train Owner finance 444- 3016 EARN PER HOUR In your own Janitorlai bus Start now FullPT free bro- chure Metro 214-256-6475 Guide to home employment Rush SI and SASE to Leigh Kuhl PO Box 821513 Ft Worth TX 16182 5000 ft shoo 4 12ft Owls insulated paved 795 Retail or office space 312W andel mo 479-6191 4500 soft officewarehouse lot 8313101 N819 Money To Loan SOnrIstmas AVOID THE RUSH! Debtconsolidation short term loan auto home equity nocollateral Your lob is your credit $1000 S20000 Cali today: 1 800-542-8089 CASH for TITLES CAS and AUTO LOANS ON-ANYCAR -ANY PR ICE AR call: 265-7274 IRVING call 256 2274 OVERDUE Cut your monthly payments up to 50 rectueed in terest A non-profit oa 9AM-I 1PM EST 1800-7260190 CASH ON TITLES I Day Service Upto 12 Mos Lease Back 261-0551 Se Hdbla Espanol CASH QUICK Clear Car or Boat Idles S10043000 154-1557 5525 Lancaster Funds For Comml Real Estate Loans Also VentureCapital Business Loans All-Tex Mort9aue Corp 817 2847708 CASH LOANS! $1000415000 Credit Problems? Call Us! 1 800685 2514 Commercial Real Estate loans Compettlive rates terms Refl acquisitions equity recovery 817 347 5372 IMMEDIATE CASH Cash on Titles Cars Trucks Boats RV's 261 8098 Ready Cash S-100 SI209 on car titles Presco Cars 8144391 Mortgage payment behind or Credit problems' American Mortgage Assist 721 988 7433 Fast monevoncar titles lipto 17 rno iease back 770-1074 a AUTO LEASING Comml Loans Bonds Leases Ace ec ea1 state Eduv inventory Metro 817 S89 1070 Loans up to VOX Bad credit OK I BOO 995 9735 rycleaner Antique Shoo NR sosttros 498 6267 N854 N852 Business Property (Sell or Lease) ARLINGTON AREA OfficeWarehouse 1200saft1405W ArkansasLn 926 2325 2440 sonoffice warehouseon 3 fenced acres Risinger at Crowley Rd 79 4331 Wrecking Yard Site Excel to facilities Sell or lease RC Ilan S35-1180 For SaleLease Westside FL Worth Restaurant 481-447 PROPERTY SALE TAX SAYS 'PAY houses Noteshavebal Paving $12238 HOU WS In SE FT tor cash BARGAIN DREAM' 152 Worth TAX MAN OR GO' 5-Ist lien notes allOP ot $98000 per month Worth Bar-stain Call 957456 HUNTERS units in Ft 50occupted coked accordinglii Owner ti named 800-112 -04U N853 Business Property FAMCO-Land Investors! (Rent or Leese) (e) 884 4498 Mr Kenney VENDING BARGAIN Her- 18 hey candy routes-cheap 1916 RELIANCE 00 MOO weekly cash possi- VOGFcxIwQekIy cash Offices (Rent) SQ FT PER MONTH Ngss WHSEOFF ICES 5260-15030 st Alroori FrwY Nwv 2000-6000 st 000 'now 3600 I8000 SI CardFTYV imme 10003 sl Bell lod 37S sr too 1650-6240 St Mid Cities tored FIDELITY ASSET AAGMT 737-3172 Prim East! AIRPORT-FREEWAY lard COMMER INDUSTRIAL Inc Ex 960 so from 680 1019 st dock high I NE a 7269 st 5 WI Hwy including 'mired St full tored Prime astside Inc 'NE possible Cali Jean I-800827-7479 Sams Club Vending Success Guaranteed-Immediate income-Financing Available Metro817-6409883 Aoua Sports Jet Ski Boat rental business Turn key operation Beeper 450-345 5 Compact Vending Machines (cold drinks) brand new Great price 1117 573(075 For sale News Stand Owner must sell tor health reasons $15000 inventory 5811736 1236 Holiereenic OrnamentS new unique stunning deaiorsdistributor wanted 294 9488 Convenience Store good 10- cat business $750rno rent 536- 4098 732 4286 Unique Beauty Shop 4 stations large clienteteGr and Pr air le pr iced to sei1660- 7493 VENDING Pout For Sale PARKWAY BEDFORD TEXAS 76021 MONDAY-FR I DAY 11 AM 4PM Entrepreneur's Dream! Now there's a bushnessthalwiliearn you a 5-4 figure income without MLMor seers No Prosonriing Be your Own boss Got Backed High Profits Low Overhead Cali for details on the newest innovativieindust's to hit Ma Me raoloax259 9329 METRO CENTER 10 Euless Multi story penthouse suites tor occupancy 140-4670 svc 24 hr HVAC moni- security system competitive rates (817) 354-1797 office space Ft Worth up to 2600 so ti Willard Hart Minimax Pr00 736- 2244 xecutive Suites S215 uto corner 130 8X)ritt of John White Rd 6900 Anderson Blvd Met (817) 166 3630 Pioneer Pkwy Art S7254600 suites short term leases 460-8765 429 9498wisnd AIRPORT FRW'r Executive Suites S165 UP 834276 large office 2 rooms wvery large fenced parking area 8500 per rno 238 9321 EXECUTIVE SUITES 4 area k)CatiOnS 469 7034 N8 80 Monty Wanted Need 818500 tor 8 yr it home vol I pay 8 10000 interest on I yr note Home for co! prat Home value Sae KO 'Or Your 515-585 Need $70K now 80 w90 11P over some collateral your terms No brokers 26-488S Need 852000 toosirchasecoryn mercial building have been leasing tor IS yrs 282 2166 Nell Elookkeeeinsi Tax Service BOOk keepirKi pay rolI etc pot uo dellygry ATT3206 219 st dock high 3600 st 4100 st 1200 st 834-674 LOOP 820 1-20 377 Watau94 Rd Otcwhse 1250 st $115 mo tilt wall concrete parking 6621 Anglin 4050 Loco 870 '5930 Plum St 457 8000 781-8110 For Leaut52540mooirrentiv used as private clubrestaurantbar Anork 5500 snit All imorovernents eoutpfront negotiable Ample par intl Close to downtown Grevine Confect Terry 30 cash dales No selling 1-000-123 IWO Tire Business located in Individual wants NI buy Om- Texas me treat hour photo card gilt Ice kication bldg ell 370 Ta5 crownyogurt will consider plumbing company Into- Others Ar lington Mid Cities ry alio flirt Bui i ding breterred Principaisonly no tor wow sn Dornelnes tfciSlnaanciMumsisatiatemo ablr6cts7 ctiosiFr RaEreaSTAopvtURAL ItNT150 Worth Star-Teleoram Conti- weekly otil paid 834- Ian (Midi Response Debt 400 SUPER MONEY MAK 7n $treet Ft Worth Iii Exclusive Vending 4oVo- 76102 nay Call ALE 1410R C'10 SMALL RESTAURANT Wedgwood area Open Sl50 weekly paid 834 itt13 SUPER MONEY PAAK ER Exclusive Vending Nu- nity Call ALE 1900 f0 N1184 Secretarial Services xi KAM E-B area prim office soace ISO-NM betow market rate 817 540-675S OFFICE SPACE 1 to low reot00lease NE IC W9 -0Mo Orficerce Horst call ha 24 ire witi a your SECRETARIAL SERVICE handl ll extr work pick uo (dyer Sag Call now for 10 off XrraS card addressing 7d2-1430 Ari Pante90 $200 $750 Met sharo ottiop 214 20 6186 7.
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