Best Mesa Builds | Mesa Prime Builds | Warframe School (2024)

When Mesa was released near the end of 2014, she quickly became one of the most wanted Warframes in the game.

She comes equipped with a really strong set of abilities and her own pair of guns.

She is a real gunslinger and can deal a lot of damage in a short amount of time, making her one of the best (or maybe even the best!) DPS Warframes in the game.

She is often used in a lot of different missions and she even shines during credit farm missions or on the Plains of Eidolon, making her a great bounty hunter.

To deal a lot of damage you need to invest some hours of playtime, but she’ll be worth it!

If you are looking for tips and tricks on how to farm the component blueprints needed to craft Mesa, we recommend hopping over to our ‘How to get Mesa’ guide and read through that!


  • High damage output
  • Slightly higher health pool than average
  • Fast and agile
  • Useful in a lot of missions
  • Important part of farm groups
  • Fun to play

Best Mesa Builds | Mesa Prime Builds | Warframe School (2)



  • Slightly lower shields than average
  • Needs some Forma to be strong
  • Requires well modded Warframe weapon
  • Low energy pool

The Best Mesa Builds

Choosing the Naramon polarity for your aura slot is always right when playing Mesa.

You either want to pick Corrosive Projectionif you are playing in a premade group setup with a Trinity (or if you are willing to drop some Group Energy Restores) or you choose
Energy Siphon in order to get some energy regeneration while doing the mission.

You can theoretically think about using Pistol Ampor Growing Power, but generally speaking they can’t really compete with the other two auras.

A big part of Mesa are her Regulators (her Warframe weapons) which came with Update 23. Now you have to mod your Warframe weapons and also probably invest some Forma in them.

Tip: If you want to know more about Mesa and her abilities, feel free to take a look at the wikia page!

The Regulators Prime Build

First of all let’s talk about Mesa’s weapons: The Regulators belong to the group of secondary weapons and therefor you need to use your pistol mods.

Getting a lot of Critical Damage (with Primed Target Cracker) and Critical Chance (with Primed Pistol Gambit) is very beneficiary for your damage output and for the same reason you should get Hornet Strike, Lethal Torrent and Barrel Diffusion.

From there on out it’s all up to you. Since the Warframe weapons come with two Naramon polarities, picking Heated Charge(or its primed version) seems okay. Convulsionis another great add, but you can pick Maim, Seekeror Pummelas well.

Even Pathogen Roundsand Pistol Pestilenceis a good combo. Feel free to experiment a bit and find the best suited build for your situation.

Main Build: Peacemaker Mesa

Mesa’s main build is centered around her ultimate ability Peacemaker, which allows her to get insanely focused and use her gunslinger skills to quickly gun down every enemy in her sight.

Peacemaker may well be the best DPS skill in the game and will allow you to decimate even high level enemies in a matter of seconds. You want to get a lot of ability strength and efficiency to deal a lot of damage without draining your whole – already pretty small – energy pool.

Getting some range is also a good idea, because you will be able to shoot down more mobs thanks to the bigger angle. Duration isn’t really needed unless you plan on using your Shatter Shield ability as your only survival outlet.

If you don’t want to use your third ability (or your other abilities for that matter) at all, you can switch out Primed Continuityfor something like Blind Rage(make sure you have a Trinity in your group!) or Rage.

Another advice: You don’t need to stay in Peacemaker forever. It’s often useful to drop out of your ultimate ability and restart it again to get a better overview and to kill more enemies in a short amount of time.

You might even want to think about using Mesa’s Waltz for some movability.

Flashing Muzzle Build

This build is more on the casual side of things and won’t allow you to be as overpowered as in the main build. To be fair, you probably won’t your ultimate ability that often.

But by using Muzzle Flash and your second ability Shooting Gallery you will be able to spread some really strong crowd control – unless you play against the Infested, because then this build will not be as useful.

But blinding your enemies and disabling their weapons is really strong and also viable on Axi or even Sortie level missions. Just make sure to pick missions where you and your team mates stay togetherdefense, survival camping or excavation come to mind.

In order to be as efficient as possible you want this build to have a lot of ability range (as much as you can get) and a good amount of duration. Efficiency isn’t really needed and if you don’t want to buff your allies’ damage output, you can simply drop the Blind Ragefor another survival mod.

Just make sure to keep your ability up all the time and you’ll be surprised by the amount of damage reduction this build provides for your group!

The Best Mesa Prime Builds

Let’s take a look at some great Mesa Prime Builds that you can use right now.

Mesa Prime Build #1

Here is the first Mesa Prime build. This build maximizes Duration and Efficiency:

Best Mesa Builds | Mesa Prime Builds | Warframe School (6)

Mesa Prime Build #2

Here is second build that minimizes Range and maximizes Strength:

Best Mesa Builds | Mesa Prime Builds | Warframe School (7)


Mesa has a super high damage output, good movement, inbuilt survival abilities and once you’ve understood how to beat the Mutalist Alad V Assassination mission, farming her is pretty easy.

She is very important for a lot of farming setups and you can probably play her in almost every mission. But you should expect to sink some Forma in her and her weapons before becoming overpowered.

You also need some decent mods, making her not the perfect Warframe for beginners. But farming her and the mods is worth it and will help you to progress faster through the game. She is also super fun to play!

In This Article:

Best Mesa Builds | Mesa Prime Builds | Warframe School (2024)


What is the difference between Mesa and Prime Mesa? ›

Mesa Prime has been buffed compared to the Original Mesa. These buffs would be: Higher Health Pool at 135/405 Vs. 125/375.

Is Mesa the best warframe? ›

Mesa is the best warframe for single target ability dmg. You can deal more dmg with frames like Chroma and Octavia by buffing your weapon dmg and with Mag by using Magnetize, but it's weapon dmg. The only other frames that get even close to Mesa in single target ability dmg are Excalibur and Titania.

What is Mesa Prime's signature weapon? ›

Lock and load as the ultimate gunslinger, Mesa Prime, along with her signature Prime Weapons, Akjagara Prime and the Redeemer Prime Gunblade. Stand tall adorned in her Operator Prime Accessories including the Anten Prime Operator Earpiece, Respa Prime Operator Mask and Erlang Prime Operator Oculus.

What weapons are good for Mesa Prime? ›

You should have a melee weapon unless you've got a good Magus arcane or other means of self-healing handy. The primary purpose of melee on [Mesa] is to give a reliable way to heal up and to force Infested to back the hell up, or to apply a ton of armor strip in the case of [Redeemer Prime].

Is Mesa Prime male or female? ›

Some related files refer to Mesa as "Cowgirl", which was most likely her name used during development.

Is Mesa Prime rare? ›

Mesa Prime is vaulted now so only way is to buy her from the WF Market or get someone with relics for her. For regular Mesa, you'll want to do the Patient Zero quest. You'll have to unlock Eris to play it, so it'll take a bit of time to get there.

What prime weapons are not vaulted? ›

Never Vaulted Weapons
  • Burston Prime.
  • Lex Prime.
  • Venka Prime.
  • Bronco Prime.

Is Mesa Prime vaulted right now? ›

On October 14th, 2020, it was announced that Mesa Prime would enter the Prime Vault and be retired from the reward tables on October 27th, 2020. Any preexisting components or fully-built frames will remain as is.

Is Rubico Prime vaulted? ›

After scrolling through the update history for a while, I've learned that Rubico Prime (alongside Chroma Prime and Gram prime) was vaulted with update 28.2 on July 14th, exactly 2 months ago, before I started playing this game.

Does range matter on Mesa prime? ›

Builds for Mesa are quite simple. Just about every build wants to maximize her Peacemaker ability, so you'll want to focus on Strength, Efficiency, and Duration in that order. Ability Range is a dump stat for most Mesa builds.

Is Akstiletto Prime vaulted? ›

On March 14, 2018, it was announced that Akstiletto Prime would enter the Prime Vault and be retired from the reward tables on March 20, 2018. Any preexisting components or fully-built weapons will remain as is.

Can Mesa use melee? ›

Mesa has improved proficiency with secondary weapons, and gains a health bonus at the expense of not having a melee weapon equipped: +15% fire rate with dual wielded sidearms. +25% reload speed for one handed sidearms. +50 health when no melee weapon is equipped.

What is the difference between mesa and Mesa V2? ›

The Mesa V2 has new added safety features which includes European belt routing, 20% larger UPF canopy, larger headrest, more robust infant inlay and a 4th rebound carry handle position for vehicle use.

What is the top of a mesa called? ›

The strong, durable rock that remains on top of a mesa is called caprock. A mesa is usually wider than it is tall.

What did Mesa Prime come with? ›

Along with a new Prime Warframe, Mesa Prime Access includes exclusive Prime Weapons, cosmetics, and highly discounted Platinum.

What makes a mesa a mesa? ›

A mesa is a flat-top tableland with one or more steep sides commonly found in Colorado Plateau regions of the United States. Mesas consist of flat-lying soft sedimentary rocks covered by more resistant layers or layers of hard rock.

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